Monday, October 27, 2008

The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced.
Frank Zappa

I woke up sobbing today.

I am grieving for my beloved country and feel like I am watching a loved one die at bedside.

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908 - 2006)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

War of the World's

Patriot Post newsletter I found.

Makes some very good points, but I don’t agree with the hard/far right stuff. I am beginning to realize that I am a “Liberal Conservative”, especially in the eyes of conservatives. The liberals always regard me with suspicion LOL.

Either way, I am still Republican to the core basics of what the country stands for, (A Republic!) and I believe you shouldn’t SHOOT the messenger. I’m only trying to share both sides of the picture as much as possible. Any time the Obama camp begins to make sense (real sense) I share those things too. What I don’t share, and am not willing to entertain is promises which are impossible to keep, regurgitated and repeated over and over again.

I am sorry but I am not that gullible.
Extreme Liberals, I love ya, but listen to my side of the story for one second,
The “Givernment” (my word people) is not to be trusted, period, right? So how and why continue to give all of our freedoms away, shedding the responsibility for vigilance.

All in all, I fear that our willingness to tolerate the ridiculous demands of the extreme leftist/socialists, (not you true in the flesh liberals) who certainly seemed to romance & influence those who were easily led away from both the more extreme American values, all of which I may not agree with and the most basic of American values MOST of which I completely agree with.

Many people who call themselves “liberal” have been easily led away because of what a “liberal society” (which ends up being revealed as socialism) offers but never seems to really deliver.

From where I sit, more extreme Liberals believe that they will still have all of the freedoms they still have left such as free market economy, while gaining all of these benefits and carrying less responsibility which is conveniently transferred to the "givernment" (this is my new term for our slave owner/puppetmasters) along with all of the decisions regarding our well being. If we continue to trade away our freedoms for a dole, we will be soon living on “reservations” similar to what the American Indians have endured. I truly believe this.

I believe in a sense that I am getting “kicked out of” the republican party because our values are parting ways. I also feel the same about the democratic party, which to me has always teetered on the brink of being “taken over” by those who want to destroy us. Think I don’t absolutely LOVE some of the great presidents? Kennedy and Lincoln are my favorites.

There is nothing wrong with Liberals. If they stopped attacking us “middle” or “Liberal Conservatives” long enough to truly listen to what we have to say, maybe they would understand and possibly even find common ground with why we feel that throwing caution to the wind and allowing the down slide of conservative America so chaotically wasn’t such a good idea.

I mean: Look at where we are now. You can’t possibly blame this mess (society, the erosion of the family) on conservative thinking.

You need to remember that “Liberalism” is a bedfellow to Democrats; they are NOT one in the same. There are conservative Democrats.

On the other hand.

Conservatives are bedfellows to the Republican party. There are Republicans who believe in Liberty, in fair play which means a level playing field.- That’s me.

“neo” or Elitist’s have “hijacked” the far right, and wage war NOT to preserve the good and solid basics of American values but to preserve the PROFITS & benefits from it.

Plain and simple people; That won’t do either.We allowed "liberalism" to slowly take away the freedoms we had in order to "spread the wealth", when simply and honestly leveling the playing field would work much better while preserving the incentive to be "self made" instead of living on “givernment” handouts. PLEASE understand that I am not against, or blaming nor am I willing to demonize liberalism or democrats. My belief is that the Liberal movement has been perverted or maybe hijacked to a certain extent (in the same way the conservative movement has been hijacked by (corporate elitist’s) to the point where even expression of faith in GOD, many liberties, and Liberty itself has become fair game. Reminds me of two people standing on one tree limb, opposed to each other so much so that they are both sawing the limb they stand on.The only real conclusion any intelligent person can come to is that this dismantling of our country and its values not only began many years ago, but it was much more carefully planned and thought out than any of us, even the most extreme "conspiracy theorists" dreamed of.


Take American BACK now, or forever hold your peace.

We need to ask ourselves: Will McCain OR OBAMA do this for us?

Please don’t delude yourself. They are two sides of the same coin!
Juan Iota


“In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate—look to his character.” —Noah Webster

“Under an Obama administration, it is not far-fetched to see the day when liberal federal judges decide that religious organizations must lose their tax exemptions should they refuse to employ homosexuals or others they regard as engaging in deviant behavior. Court challenges against those who believe homosexual behavior is sinful seem to be occurring with greater frequency... The aim of the gay rights lobby is to destroy all remnants of biblical values and societal norms. Gay rights advocates will take their agenda to federal courts as soon as sufficient numbers of liberal judges are there to give them what they want. Watch them vote in overwhelming numbers for Barack Obama. He is their future. This election is, among other things, about the future of the majority and whether we want this country to be shaped by the courts, or by ‘we the people’.” —Cal Thomas

“The left subscribes to the French Revolution, whose guiding principles were ‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.’ The right subscribes to the American formula, ‘Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.’ The French/European notion of equality is not mentioned. The right rejects the French Revolution and does not hold Western Europe as a model. The left does. That alone makes right and left irreconcilable. The left envisions an egalitarian society. The right does not. The left values equality above other values because it yearns for an America in which all people have similar amounts of material possessions... The right values equality in opportunity and strongly believes that all people are created equal, but the right values liberty, a man-woman based family and other values above equality.” —Dennis Prager

“Consider the magnitude of these problems or the sheer, dumb size of the institutions. Another phrase of financial usage familiar everywhere now is ‘too big to fail.’ But if something is too big to fail, isn’t it... too big? Look in any direction and what you see are institutions that are Too Big. Too big to fully understand, and thus too big to manage efficiently. Faced with Godzilla-sized problems, logic flees: If they’re too big to fail, the solution is... make them bigger! The big, fat government we know about, with its $2.942 trillion annual outlays. The problem of unmanageable public bigness is also seen in state legislatures in a condition of permanent nonperformance, as in New York, California or Michigan. We become numb to these outsized and failing public institutions, which grind in circles while the pols purport concern about massive, forward-crawling monoliths like Medicare, Social Security or public pension debt. By contrast, the starkness and hourly reporting of the financial crisis has made the dilemma of size impossible to duck.” —Daniel Henninger

“The government is seeking to buy up shares in healthy, well-run small businesses all across America so it can get those businesses to behave as the government wants them to behave... But isn’t that how we go into this mess—with the government trying to get banks to make more loans? Just as one lie leads to another, imprudent government intervention in the free market leads to further imprudent government intervention in the free market. Each step of the way, we are told we have no choice but to do what the government wants us to do. The original transgression that led us to the current crisis was committed by elected officials in Washington who wanted to buy additional incumbency insurance for themselves by saying to voters: We will help you buy a house. They worked to accomplish this through legislation (such as the Community Reinvestment Act) that pressured banks to make riskier loans and through tax-exempt government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which started buying up riskier loans (so the original lenders did not have to carry the risk) and wrapping them into mortgage-backed securities (which mixed bad loans with good loans)... So we have gone from government pressuring banks to make riskier mortgages, to government-sponsored enterprises buying riskier loans from banks to facilitate even more risky lending, to government buying stakes in the banks themselves... What will be the next unprecedented measure government officials never thought would be necessary?” —Terence Jeffrey

“The major issue of this campaign is the direct political, personal and moral responsibility of Democratic Party leadership... for this unprecedented calamity which has befallen us. They tell us they have done the most that humanly could be done. They say that the United States has had its day in the sun; that our nation has passed its zenith. They expect you to tell your children that the American people no longer have the will to cope with their problems; that the future will be one of sacrifice and few opportunities.

My fellow citizens, I utterly reject that view. The American people, the most generous on earth, who created the highest standard of living, are not going to accept the notion that we can only make a better world for others by moving backwards ourselves. Those who believe we can have no business leading the nation. I will not stand by and watch this great country destroy itself under mediocre leadership that drifts from one crisis to the next, eroding our national will and purpose. We have come together here because the American people deserve better from those to whom they entrust our nation’s highest offices, and we stand united in our resolve to do something about it.” —Ronald Reagan

Thursday, October 9, 2008

700 Billion $windle of the Century

I read somewhere:

"Great. The financial system is melting down and the solution is welfare checks for people holding morgages that are underwater and that have no equity associated with them. How about sending some of those "desperate" people who lied about their income to get mortgages they couldn't afford to jail for fraud? "

"This insensitive and ignorant statement displays what propaganda intends.

What exactly do you know about the mortgage business? I am amazed that so many people are willing to willynilly blame working america for their "theivery". I could give this whole discussion forum an education on this issue. I assure you, the American people should not be demonized for this. This is a lame cop out.

I also want to say something about Welfare".

Many of you speak of it as if its evil charity given to murdering scumbags. I have been paying taxes since I was sixteen, -paying into this system. A few times in my life, in the past such as when I had a six month old infant at home by myself with no help or family near, and after I had already gone through 38K worth of my own savings, and when I was backed against a wall- I relied on the werlfare system to help me get through the rough times until I got my new single parenting act together.

I am not ashamed in THE LEAST for taking advantage of something that is there for a reason, something that I to this day help support.I propose that ONLY a selfish, insensitive scumbag will ridicule hard working people, who are either temporarily down and kick them for needing help. This same person uses the plight of the people to pretext reasons for giving government MORE control of our lives and then in the next breath disparages people who are having trouble making it on their own. If you think it cant hapen to you, that you couldnt possibly have had some kind of misfortune occur to you as a result of this sub prime debacle, I propose you are arrogant and ignorant, forgetting that it could have AND DID happen to many people of different classes, rich, middle class & poor as well. I have been working with homeowners, who are having trouble with these very issues for the past year or more. These arent theiving people, they are the salt of the earth. Its too bad many ignorant people want to give this money away, which will go almost directly out of the country rather than to US Americans.

High Noon here in the Republic United States of America

If you don’t mind, "We use to be a culture of respect. Respect of fellow neighbors, family, and in generally each other was always an accepted social tenet/practice.
We simply have no respect, honor, loyalty and disgracefully not even for our on minds, body, and planet. IE: Our grandparents life was dramatically different from our own. You knew who your real friends were, you knew your neighbors, your children's teachers, your religious "leaders", etc..."
To postulate further: I have been noticing the trend towards this social environment since I was a very young man. Even when I thought some of the old school-era was being a bit extreme, I still had to agree with them: We were becoming a society of over indulgence, and we were being it seemed, "Egged on", encouraged by an unseen benefactor.
I noticed the "establishment" encouraging this behavior, and questioned it in my mind. The one recurring logical answer I have been coming up with all these years has always been: This is beiong done purposely. Someone WANTS to dismantle this country. We could spend a month contributing to a thread on this subject alone, but the point is:
TO sufficiently weaken and make pliable a civilization/society that was as strong as ours was, attacking all of the basic tenets which support it was necessary. The attacks on our solid foundation included programming young people to disrespect and disregard all of the reasons why if is so many of us (EVEN IF IT IS SEPERATE RELIGIONS) believe in GOD, They removed Prayer from our public lives, removed GOD from our books, banned any type of “creationism” consideration, removed the ten comandmants from our walls, etc.
We have allowed the system to take our children from us because it was much more convenient for us to allow it, while sent our second parents to work, and added another job to the single parents. They took them and began to brainwash them, while we just kept working more and more hours instead of spending all the time we can with our children. NOW our system has already expressed the legal opinion that “the State” (basically society) own our kids. WE DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO TEACH OUR CHILDREN OURSELVES ANY LONGER. WE CAN FACE JAIL FOR REFUSING TO FORFEIT OUR CHILDREN FOR INDOCTRINATION INTO THE NATIONALIST SYSTEM. We just sat there and took it.
I have felt like an idiot fighting to get people to listen to me for years, faced ridicule attacks and such. TO see all of these things gathering momentum and happening faster (in real time) now doesn’t scare me as much as the anticipation of when I wasn’t quite sure I was right. (if that makes sense).
The point is: This has been happening for many, many years. If I am a kook, it’s because I saw all of this coming many years ago and refused to become "well adjusted to it". Its one thing to have to be a part of the society, but in my opinion, I don’t have to be compelled to be part of the sickness.
” It is no measure of ones health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society"-Krishna Murti
"For what good is it for a man to gain the whole world if he trades his soul away in the bargain" -Holy Bible

Monday, October 6, 2008

A Momentary reflection on a big chunk of the whole.

I believe there is no worse feeling in life than investing years in a loving relationship or a friendship only to wake up one day and realize that your world isn’t everything you thought it was: Whether it’s personally, perceptively or both. In life, during it’s course, sometimes you repeatedly realize that a friend, or loved one has been all the time insincere and in the end may sell you out at any and sometimes every time. It is very difficult to understand. It shakes your world.

“Is it all my fault”? You ask yourself several times. If in the end, even you feel to a large degree justified, you realize there is more to the conflict within.

When it happens once, you think: "Shame on them". When it happens twice, by the same friend or love? Well it's the old cliché: "Shame on me". I recently realized that I had truly lost all the fight in me. I realized that if I didn’t re-invent myself, I wouldn’t survive long in what is SURELY coming our way in this current world, and very soon. I still may not survive, but I have decided I will go down swinging. This decision ended a phase of calamity within the calamity. I got some rest, recharged my psyche, took an audit of my life and made decisions to reapply myself in the areas of priority. I woke up around 4:40 AM few mornings ago renewed, feeling fantastic and ready to produce. Took a swim and sat down to work at what I have invested myself for the past 7 months in. and 5 hours later or so, I didn’t "have a job" anymore. Then I realized for the first time that it wasn’t what was sold to me, it was simply a job, and I was simply an employee, no matter what bullshit I had bought- (which is why I normally won’t work for anyone, but myself and if it’s with anyone, it’s usually someone I hire on).

Honestly? Devastating. I have had many business ventures, and several of them successful ones. I can remember making promises and/or agreements with people who went to work for me and I can remember never once going back on one of those commitments. I have lost money on contracts willingly to ensure completion of my obligation. Not Once in my recollection, have I ever made the decision walked away from a job unfinished! I am prideful of that, if not mush else. Out of the few things I have done in my life that I can be proud of, this is among them. While I can not evade the truth regarding many of my actions & mistakes in my life, both logical and ethical, my integrity in this area has been without failure. I have never said I love you, and not meant it, willing to prove it beyond just words. I have never betrayed a true friend and never will. I have never evaded a mistake I have made with a true friend by “silencing” (or doing away with) that friendship. I am very happy about this realization, and I declare that no matter what has been “done” or happened to me, it doesn’t take away from this integrity. No matter what mistakes I have made, who and what I have done wrong, I can still consider myself a good, loving friend. I have lost a friend whom I thought was true, but in the end I was kidding myself as I am prone to do. IF I didn’t have several true friends, whom I have been friends with for in many cases thirty years or more, than I might question myself more. I did everything I could. Nothing and no one is perfect, but there will always be something I can only describe as “honor among thieves” (not that we are thieves you understand). I must question: Is it the nature of true Pirates to sacrifice each other, forsaking any bonds to advance themselves? I grew up believing the opposite. Honor and integrity among Pirates? As far as I am concerned, there are certain things which transcend the changing of times. Love, respect, friendship, loyalty, honesty, fair play are among these. The questions of basic ethics are not in my opinion, a changing thing. When you invest yourself in a long term endeavor, and find out you’ve proceeded based upon deceptive tenets, it can be so very discouraging that it will bring you to the border of depression. Hard stuff to admit to oneself. It is also hard to swallow when that you know your fault in the issue, yet know deep inside that your overall premise is true and correct. You have no choice but to stand your ground. ( I mean, you could swallow your pride and be patronizing.) The best you can do is to HEAR, consider and hope to be heard. When and if you are silenced, YOU SHOULD understand that you have been validated in THAT alone. It doesn’t make it any easier to swallow, but you should still be a little prideful of your behavior. If a friend makes a commitment or pledge to another friend and doesn’t live up to that pledge or obligation, no amount of justification or shift in ethics will veil the contradiction. He will attack you, blame you, insult you, disregard and invalidate your efforts thinking "this is necessary because I am right. I know." Denying everything he has learned and benefitted from a supportive fan.

Have you ever asked yourself that given the dilemma of “jumping on the grenade, or allowing the friend or loved one to die, what would I do”? When you carry a flag, any flag, you have no expectations. Well, maybe a few. I mean, “Gunga Din” got a poem.

But back to “your friend”:

He must convince himself he had a reason to betray that commitment. As you watch the hypocrite build that house of cards, you watch your friend disappear, absorbed into the world he originally set out to conquer and change for the better until he is just another carpetbagger in a den of carpetbaggers. I once told a friend: "Be careful who you sleep with, when you wake up, you may find that you have lost your identity. You won't know where you end and they begin".
I say this: There is no lower form of life than one that commits and purports to want to change the world, right wrongs and help those who need help while all the time holding truly only their own self interest and gain in mind. You can only wonder about the type pf person who expresses nothing but hate and contempt for mankind in one breath, and extols his own capacity for love and desire to help these very same “poor morons” in the next.

It is extremely narcissistic to portray your perception of mankind as a flawed, mediocre or even pathetic race, and yet proclaim yourself elevated, separated from it. You can say all of the nice "politician" type’s words, phrases and clichés you like. You can copy and paste all of the famous quotes, pander and deliver lip service to all the right people who will pave the way for you to get what you want but in the end- every man reveals his true nature at some point.

Takers and givers, that’s what human beings are but mostly takers, There are very few who earnestly endeavor to find a balance among this entropic chaos, but balance is the true serenity in this life. A good agreement between men is a very important part of life among them, and so is the word of a man. Convincing yourself you are something you are not only convinces you, not those around you. In the end, you may be "successful" in gathering material wealth, but there will always be a price to pay from yourself, for doing so even if it is at the expense of others as well.

The way you treat people in this world says more about you than them, and will make you feel just the same about yourself, as you make them feel in one way, or another..... I could be wrong, but this is my observation. In the end, what is most important is I want to be fair. I hope my son has the opportunity to read these words in the way I mean them someday. I believe this world is changing drastically, and very soon, the world will have little in common with the one some of us older people have known. I believe the cliche' that: Soon, my father wouldnt even recognize the world we live in, certainly not the society.

I have decided I will spend every minute doing the most important thing I can think of: My son Thomas and I had a swim together at dawn this morning, and we discussed the universe. I am prayiong it will be one of those conversations he remembers for the rest of his days. I know I will. I believe this has been the second happiest dawning of a day in my life. I truly believe that regardless of how momentarily unhappy, unfulfilled, unsatisfied, and materially un-nerved I may be.

I could die a happy man today if GOD wills it. Contrary to what they want to tell you, there IS a creator, and we are part of that whole.

Everything beyong that is supposition.
I truly pray the blessings of the creator, the architect of this universe will be with us. “No matter what mistakes I have made, who and what I have done wrong, I can still consider myself a good, loving friend long. I have lost a friend whom I thought was true, in the end I was kidding myself as I am prone to do.”-

"It is no measure of one's health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society” - Krishna Murti

Sunday, October 5, 2008


"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. "

The Declaration of Independence - 1776

Somebody wrote today: "Are you advocating the overthrow of the US government?
That's a pretty serious, Ayers-like view. I'd be watching out my front window for the black helicopters to be coming for you, dude.... "

She say's that as if it's nasty sinful treason, but I assure you, That is exactly what the Declaration of Independance is ALL about. Just have a quick read in this context:

"Gentlemen, Altho it is not possible to forsee the consequences of human actions, yet it is nevertheless a duty we owe ourselves and posterity in all our public councils to decide in the best manner we are able and to trust the event to That Being who governs both causes and events, so as to bring about his own determinations. "

"Impressed with this sentiment, and at the same time fully convinced that our affairs will take a more favorable turn, The Congress have judged it necessary to dissolve all connection between Great Britain and the American Colonies, and to declare them free and independent States as you will perceive by the enclosed Declaration, which I am directed to transmit to you"

As someone said:These were not wild-eyed, rabble-rousing ruffians. They were men of means and education. They were resourceful. They had security, but they valued liberty more.

Unwavering, they pledged:

"For the support of this declaration, with the firm reliance on the protection of the Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."

by Thomas Jefferson

Declaration of Independance

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -- That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. "

"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. "

-- "Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States."

" To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good."

These men and women gave birth to, and gave you & I a free, independent American Republic, and........LOOK WHAT WE HAVE ALLOWED TO BECOME OF IT! - JUST LOOK WHAT WE HAVE ALLOWED TO BECOME OF IT!

Here is the rest of the document, just in case anyone cares to scan it. I just cant bear to post one part without the other:

He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their Public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected, whereby the Legislative Powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.He has obstructed the Administration of Justice by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers.He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power. has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:For protecting them, by a mock Trial from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:For depriving us in many cases, of the benefit of Trial by Jury:For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences:For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these ColoniesFor taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation, and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & Perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. -- And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.-- John Hancock

Josiah Bartlett, William Whipple, Matthew Thornton, Samuel Adams, John Adams, Robert Treat Paine, Elbridge Gerry, Stephen Hopkins, William Ellery, Roger Sherman, Samuel Huntington, William Williams, Oliver Wolcott, William Floyd, Philip Livingston, Francis Lewis, Lewis Morris, Richard Stockton, John Witherspoon, Francis Hopkinson, John Hart, Abraham Clark, Robert Morris, Benjamin Rush, Benjamin Franklin, John Morton, George Clymer, James Smith, George Taylor, James Wilson, George Ross, Caesar Rodney, George Read, Thomas McKean, Samuel Chase, William Paca, Thomas Stone, Charles Carroll of Carrollton, George Wythe, Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Harrison, Thomas Nelson, Jr., Francis Lightfoot Lee, Carter Braxton, William Hooper, Joseph Hewes, John Penn, Edward Rutledge, Thomas Heyward, Jr., Thomas Lynch, Jr., Arthur Middleton, Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The greatest country on earth?

Last evening I had an exchange with a friend debater that went something like this:

"Libertine Libertarian says: T.S., just out of curiousity, have you lived in another country?"My point being, while I totally agree the US is not perfect many people do take for granted some things we enjoy here that other countries do not offer.I also agree our political choices are getting more and more less like choosing the best to be president, it has become more of voting for the lesser of two (or three) evils.

"Libertine Libertarian says: T.S., just out of curiousity, have you lived in another country?"My point being, while I totally agree the US is not perfect many people do take for granted some things we enjoy here that other countries do not offer. I also agree our political choices are getting more and more less like choosing the best to be president, it has become more of voting for the lesser of two (or three) evils.

My response is from the hip, and goes like this:

So, the fact that our system is still (maybe not, and maybe not for long) better than others is a reason to continue to watch it go down the toilet, and do nothing to correct the problems?We should at least hack off the cancerous, self serving bastards that are selling us out instead of continuing to allow them to hand us their co-conspirators to continue runningour country, dont you thing?

How could our citizenry become convinced that a guy like Ron Paul is bad for us, and people like McCain, Clinton and Obama are good? That may good friend, took some seriously slick & repetetive media mind control.

To give you a direct answer: I have traveled and lived in other places for months (6) at a time, but I have never been anything but an American citizen. Yes other places have their own negatives. So, toilet paper is hard to get: big deal. South America for instance isnt the most stable countries in the world, but there are many, many positives. Many countries in south America began aggressive programs to reduce dependency on oil BACK IN THE SEVENTIES. All this occured while the wealthy in our country wrangled our politicians into selling us out and remaining dependant on oil, while ALL independant inventors and developers of oil free technology were thwarted, hijacked and murdered, yes MURDERED.

As a result places like Brazil have (almost) All of their vehicles running on fuel blends using gasohol & ethynol and actually export oil instead of like us, being a hopeless addicts, bound to our keepers. It hasnt solved all of their problems, but then again, they havent been HANDING OVER THEIR NATIONS WEALTH TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES, MANY OF WHICH THEY ARENT VERY FRIENDLY WITH.

Yes nowhere on earth is perfect, but the old argument that "our country isnt perfect, but its still the best country in the world" is becoming more and more of a preponderance. It will soon be a joke even to us, as I am sure you are aware that people in Switzerland and Sweden laugh when they hear us go on and on about how great we are. I love this country enough to know when its time to stop trying to show off, and make believe our problems dont exist instead of doing something to solve our problems and really stay on top.

The globalists do not want this to happen, I assure you. Whats so great about a political system run by behind the scenes puppet masters who balance herding and mindcontrol on the people and trying to "appear free". Exposure to television and the constant thought programming has people accepting and allowing a little less freedom everyday in trade for our daily bread. I bet thet cant WAIT until we are unarmed. Then we will have absolutely no choice in our future, and it will be overtly suggested to us at that point.

Not only do I believe this will happen, I am guaranteeing it will happen within the next ten yearts or less.

This is unacceptable to me, as it was unacceptable to the many men who bled and died to make this a free and soveriegn nation. Im not talking about all the men who helped form this country and wrote the great and wise things (including the warnings to be vigilant!). Im speaking for the men who died under this flag from the revolutionary war, civil war all the way up until this morning in Iraq.. What do you want to say to them.... That you just thought it'd be ok to give a little bit of that freedom away because you thought youd be safer?

IF "it has become more of voting for the lesser of two (or three) evils."THEN I CHOOSE TO FIGHT EVIL wholesale.

I will not choose evil as consequence of not being given a choice.

Hey Libertine, I hope you dont take this as insulting to you.... I guess I just spilled it all out, but this really isnt directed at you as much as to all my fellow countrymen.... whether they like me or not, I see this as the writing on the wall.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

They just jump right out of my mouth.

"A critical examination never 'hurts' anyone except the patient" -Juan Iota

Friday, January 18, 2008


Someone posted this in "If Barack Obama wins" thread in the Amazon Forum today:

" Rakeem Bolden says: If Obama does win do any of you think he will get assassinated, casue it seems like everytime anyperson of color gets to much power thats what happens to them."

"Rakeem Bolden says: Oprah is not a threat, neitther is Micheal Jordan, Kobe, Shaq, and countless others. The difference is that he may be the president. And Bill I don't know who will do this one but I am leaning toward the whites this time although the blacks that killed Malcolm got help through the same ones that had something to do with the deaths of King and Kennedy.
No not paranoid I have no reason to be, but have people really changed that much since the 1960's. Everyone knows that a white man w/ power doesn't like a black man to have more power then him. Can you picture Obama on any U.S. currency or them adding his picture to Mount Rushmore, hell naw but they would have to do something big like that if he is the first "BLACK" president.To be honest if he wins and turns out like Bush or even makes one bad step, there will never be another black president again, and thats the truth. So lets stop acting like his skin color doesn't play an important issue here. Furthermore the "first step" for America to rid itself of racism is to acknowledge that its does exist."

" Caruso says: To Rakeem Bolden: I will never forget what a black women told me, long ago: She said that white men do not like black men, because, deep down in the white male personality, they are afraid that black men will "steal" their women. Is this why there are so many black males in jail and why they are not given good jobs, and drop out of school and why black women are easier for white men to deal with and employ for the reasons given above?"

"Everyone knows that a white man w/ power doesn't like a black man to have more power then him. "


"This is a perfect example of reverse racism, and "lets keep the rift going" logic.You mean, any white man will hate any black man who has more power than he has, simply because he is black??

Your racist stripe is showing brother, but instead of expressing it, you are projecting a straw man racist view, so youll have someone or something to target.

Lets get beyond that. Lets find some solutions to the problems, instead of letting "the man" keep us dumb and stupid, and HERE. When I say the "man" I mean: The puppetmasters, who seem to NOW be of several colors and creeds, who dont care, or mind a bit about selling out people of their own color, creed, religion, and nationality for their daily bread. I say, "we damn sure better get past all this petty crap, and NOW. If we do not, we will ALL be having this same coversation from behing prison camp bars."

Citizens of every color, creed, and religion; Cast aside your hate. Cast aside the old grudges and barriers. When people truly and sincerely love each other amazing miracles CAN happen. We can save this civilization. We can save this earth. ...........Be sincere, be color blind. BE HONEST. Speak plainly. Dont hold your fellow man to a standard that you are not willing to meet yourself.

Let us continue to communicate with respect, and without the need to insult. Lets keep our passions within DUE bounds.

I personally dont dig Obama, BUT if he does become president, I will give him my loyalty UNTIL and IF he proves himself to be the JUDAS that Bush and Clinton were both, and Bush SR, The REAL question is: Would Obama be a "just the same old" puppet if he is elected?

I PRAY with all my heart not. I want Ron Paul for president only because he is a constitutionalist, he wants to put a stop to many of the things that are a plague to this country and he doesnt care what it takes. That "extremism" is what we need. Is he doesnt make it, and its Obama? As far as Im concerned, if Obama DOES turn out to be sincere and DOES NOT- SELL US OUT LIKE THE OTHERS have. They better not kill him, because then they will have to KILL ME TOO because Ill be coming right behind him after them.

We all know, they will try and get him if it turns out he IS FOR THE PEOPLE. They will do it and blame it on "whitey, or some "lone, three named straw man". I pray to GOD we will be able to see, and know better.

-Spoken by a man, not white, and not black, but American.

Juan Iota

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

W.O.N. F.P.S."Tom Lehman"PGAGolf 96'-98'

Online Golf Simulators, ahh the memories.

Alans comments about the Brits reminds me. Its a good time of year to remember things which bring pleasure, and this was definitely one of them.

Its late 1996 (August-Sept) My fiance had recently left, after having pulled a few stunts, and Eventually, after I told her "this is the last time we are going to do this". she bailed for good, leaving me with the baby & 99% of all the responsibility and costs involved in raising our son of roughly 7 months age. What followed has been the biggest roller coaster anyone could ever imagine, but there were a few things GOD did to keep me sane.

anyway, I was alone, raising an infant baby son. .

The Game:

One little thing was:

I happened to get this "Golf Simulator Game" Cd disc, from a friend of mine who owned a computer store. He gave it to me almost as an after thought....... What a trip.. Thinking of it now, Funny how the littlest things can end up meaning so much more than we think.

I took the thing home and installed in into my system and began playing around with it. It was fun, and funny, I pressed the "online play" selection just to see what would happen, and viola,,,,,,,, "please register a name and password to play". Then, it was "Logging into the "WORLD OPPONENT NETWORK"............

I was stunned.

I have always appreciated many things about the British. They are truly the type of people, that no matter how anyone can say "they are dry" as in sense of humor (not everyone can FULLY appreciate MONTY PYTHON's FLYING CIRCUS!, but my friends and I used to be sitting, ready at the tv when it came on.) Anyway; They truly are the very salt of the earth- "make lemonade from lifes lemons" kinda people.

One of my coolest friends for the past ten years or so has been this crazy Tea Drinking Crumpet eating Brit I met while playing "WON"'s (World Opponent Network)F.P.S.(Front Page Sports) "PGA 96'-98'Then Big Bad "EA Sports" bought them out and kinda ruined the cameraderie while "improving" the actual game. It's now known as "Tiger Woods PGA GOLF", but I was there with THE GANG from all over the world in the very beginning.

There was Scott, the one with the "Star Wars" nick name "Corellian"" or "Core"" one of the resident tech wiz's of the game., in Portland or Wash somewhere.

Swebbie (Steve Webb my much loved limey cue ball, tosser-bastard adopted brother to this day, and Angie "do NOT call me a tart" Harvey (JOE BLOGGS!!) who I love dearly but loves to bounce herself off of concrete curbs for some strange reason....(thats another story Vodka Orange and Redbullthankyou................................., and their kids, the "British Brady Bunch"! Hello you brats!), Dallise in Australia, Sandra (a multiple personality we havent figured out to this day but love), CittyCat (Debra Jo) in Tejas, Catdaddy, Tom Dooley up in Virginia, Tommy Girl (Renae) in Minnesota, ahh man Im trying not to forget anyone but there were SO many more I cant remember now since its been 8 years since EA Sports trashed us..

Then theres some of the master players (charters) that I eventually ended up being able to match, once I learned how to "Chart" (which involved the time consuming practice of precisely charting every single shot, club, wind condition and course in the whole universe of PGA Golf. which was pretty damn cool. We used to shoot like in the 20's UNDER par for 18 holes.. I must admit, it was pretty cool to be the absolute best in the world at something besides changing diapers.

It was a very rough time, as I said. Fighting for custody of my son, struggling to make ends meet and pay astronomical attorney's fees (But, its my son, and thank GOD I won the right to stay his parent. The judge said to my son's mommy, "Nope, you abandoned the household, so"no indian giving" & "Take backs" You left, so you deal with it.... .... ) . Anyway, back to the golf.... All the time I was about to go out of my mind, I could come home to my friends in WON....and play golf! There were triumphs, marriages, divorces, tragedies. We had deaths in out families. It seemed after awhile, when something was happening to one of us, all of us were worried and pulling for each other, even the major ass wipes. We even began meeting when we could, and playing real golf together etc. (I owe Tom Dooley a whipping, since he got me last time).


It was a whole nother galaxy of play. Regular play was just as fun though, I miss it, especially since, the group of hundreds of people had become SUCH a group of friends, even the enemies came to miss each-other.

I may add; what a strange emotion to actually MISS, a computer game? Well, its the people.

These friends and foes definitely helped me get through a VERY lonely, shitty and difficult time in my life as a struggling single parent with no "night" life. My son is 12 now. It seems like a hundered years ago, when I would send boxes of twinkies to my good British friends in Hatfeild, and he would send all kinds of really cool curious "british" things here for our amusement.

MANY of my Golf friends I ended up meeting and are STILL very dear friends of mine to this day. Cittycat, Tom Dooley, Ive met and hung out with (Love you DEB!) Never met but still very close to and speak with Tommy Girl, Dallise, Up until a few years ago, even SANDRA!

But the best of them all, has to be the cueball I call Swebbie and his (then) fiance..... Damn what was her nick name OH YES..... JOE BLOGG??? LOL we can finally reveal the secret identity of JOE BLOGG.... roflmaopimp!


He and his now wife live in Hatfield, Hertfordshire. I guess they call it; "Hertz". Steve Webb and Angie Harvey, I love you guys! And I miss the game. I miss the closeness of our friendships and how when something happened to one person, it hapened to everyone!

IT IS A SHAME that EA sports just shit canned us when we were done hekping them test bed whatevcer the hell they were doing. The new EA Sports games are great, but the "LOBBY's are so lame and impersonal..... I loved the ability for open chat and fellowship. I guess things change, but I WAS SOOOOO happy and SO lucky to "be there" and have experienced "World Opponent Network"'s "Front Page Sports, PGA Golf 96' through 98'.

You know, it feels really good to finally find a place to pay some kind of homage to something that had such a positive effect on my life for a few years back then near the "beginning" of the internet. (which for me was 1992)

Thanks for humoring me by reading this.

-Juan Iota

A.K.A. "Thomas_Scott" #1 in the world in "World Opponent Network" several times & for nine weeks straight in 1999 Until that damn SWEBBIE knocked me off the top. What a blast.

Ill never forget you guys.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Im founding "The 5%-ers Club"

""Hmmm the 5%-ers Club". (Based on the premise some people have that "only 5% of the people" believe our government is capable of selling out, exploiting, ripping off, harming, killing, lying to and otherwise misleading it's public.)

Based on the debate of this very issue we are currently having in the Amazon "Political discussion threads" I'm an active member of, I spoke with a number of people today.
This reportedly small group of society is huge and growing every single day.
I asked each one the same question:"What are your feelings about 9-11?, What do you believe caused this. How does it relate to the current political and social climate in this country, and do you believe our Government is being honest with us?"
NOT ONE PERSON., NOT ONE expressed trust in these leaders or this current process. I didnt have to make any connections for them. I didnt have to bait or ask leading questions, almost every single one of them said that they believe something is wrong & being kept from them with regard to all of the events in the past 15 years and given the varying references, virtually every suspicious event was mentioned without fail. Specifically, feedback included the statement that; "Our government either had prior knowledge of, or a hand in"............. what happened in Manhattan.
Maybe someone forgot to tell the "truther bashers & skeptics"
The "95%-ers (truther bashers, skeptics, whatever) will say we hate our country. They will accuse us of "Hating the government" and this wonderful country.I say; this is the greatest country in the world. I love it with all of my heart. I renounce my anscestors countries. I am AMERICAN FIRST.
I am FULLY aware and believe with all my heart that the average person who works for, or has worked for this government in one way or another, such as myself are for the most part, the very salt of the earth. WOnderfully hardworking honest people with integrity who want to make a difference and want to serve mankind.
The problem is, that in every great country just like on a ship, there are RATS, and the RATS have taken over this ship. These Judas's have all but signed over ownership of this great republic and our future Gross National Product to some other unknown RATS in exchange for their (daily bread) reward, whatever it might be. They've plainly become corrupted and simply sold out the rest to p[reserve themselves and their posterity.
Some people refuse to believe this. I've seen it! dont want to believe it. They think they are somehow patriotic by doing what they are doing. They use words to make them and others feel like it is they who are the Majority. They shut their eyes tightly against the tide of obvious signs of sickness this country is exhibiting, instead they pick at the quirky extreme stories and cite those as proof that ALL of it is a lie, when they KNOW deep down inside they are wrong but they are praying and clinging to the premise that somehow they might be right.The way I see it, they can call me a kook all day long, as they join the cashless "1984" type society that has been long in the making; docile, entranced unfulfilled just siting around shaking their fists at or ignoring anyone who wants to try give them exactly what they ask for which is "proof, give them proof".... Screw em. Let them sleep.
"fascism is defined as - A system of government that exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership, together with belligerent nationalism.
"The American Heritage Dictionary, 1983
Remind you of anything?
"To criticize one's country is to do it a service .... Criticism, in short, is more than a right; it is an act of patriotism - a higher form of patriotism, I believe, than the familiar rituals and national adulation."U.S. Senator J. William Fulbright
"Media manipulation in the U.S. today is more efficient than it was in Nazi Germany, because here we have the pretense that we are getting all the information we want. That misconception prevents people from even looking for the truth."

Friday, January 11, 2008

Ive been considering "taking up the pen" (writing).

A New Manifesto ?

In any scenario where a society loses (or willingly gives away) its Freedoms, it is not simply some tyrant that rises up seizing control on any particular day, not any more, anyway. This process will always be a systematic network of people and thought reform, and exchange of values involved to make such a "Coup D'état " happen.

"Keep in mind that there are plenty of American citizens who have already bought too far into the current "cult" of complacent American society, and will actually be quite happy to see such a change take place here in this country." They will accept whatever comes as long as their "status quo" isn't disrupted. What those people fail to realize is the changing of hands happened a very long time ago while we were sleeping complacently in our beds, or playing with the latest new toys made of plastic.

There are any number of reasons people might want to see this happen (religious, etc...), but in the end it boils down to a small number of people who actually benefit in terms of their own quality of living, without any regard for anyone else which is just (greed) wealth, or power from such a transformation.

Most would never admit it openly (at least not yet), but they are out there. In the early days of Nazi Germany, there were the "Brown Shirts", who were basically just party thugs (but still civilians) who practiced such things as voter intimidation, control of resources, inhibit free travel and other types of harassment. All I'm saying is, there are plenty of people out there who do not want to see the truth uncovered.""

There is plenty of intimidation being practiced right now, right here in this "FREE COUNTRY".
In the past few years that I have become "a writer" of sorts, I have experienced a tremendous amount of intimidation, ridicule, abandonment of my friends and loved ones over some of the issues of the day (politics, religion, constitutional freedom and the interpretation of same).
I look around. I look at all of the people that I sincerely love and care about, many of who shake their heads "tsk tsk, please stop sending me this stuff"......

I guess I am a kook.

I have never viewed this as some sort of popularity or personality contest in the sense that I never wondered what people would think of me. When I decided to become a literary "Paul Revere" it was because thats exactly how I view myself. I'm no whacked out "conspiracy theorist". If I see a flying saucer, believe me, I'll make sure thats what I see before I tell everyone, who may have a certain level of respect for me (or not); "Hey, Guess what I just saw?"

I dont pretend to have all the answers, I just have what is now amounting to a s h i t load of questions which seem to be pushing all the wrong buttons on many people, including those whom I never for a minute would have thought could turn around and point a finger at me saying: "kook...., Stop it. Your causing a scene....".

Well, in defense of my often incendiary pen, I say:

""Who is the real kook? The person who has and raises questions, or the person who simply believes & accepts everything they are told? Typical tactic's used by modern tyrants are to label anyone who dares to "question authority" a kook unworthy of respect by society. THIS is step alpha in the dictator's handbook for silencing dissedence.

I have always thought that this vigilance is the most valiant of all traits in a patriot! In fact, this "revolutionary Rebel" spirit, was until recently something openly admired in this country. My how things are changing.

Im watching on TV here where the History Channel is comparing David Koresh (and all of his "Alleged atrocities" to Charlie Manson. Hmmm Speaking of "non-sequitors".

I have been raised to be, for the most part law abiding. My contention is that when the laws of the land begin to circumvent the very foundation for the health and well-being in a society, then it is time to be a law questioner, a law defy-er, and a law breaker if need be.

""This statement is the sum of my pretext, It's the essence, the very salt of the earth if you will, to being a Free American. Hell, a Free Human.

-Juan Iota

I give credit to "DT" for uttering the right words right when I had begun to write this statement here for my blog!--

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Im telling you guys: We are right in the middle of the swindle. Ron Pauls great performances in the debates have been all but ignored. Even some adversaries (people I know who are voting for other candidates) have said he did really well !! STILL, Television and print media are ignoring him.

Who is surfacing as the media darling? Obama. I dont dislike Obama as a person, I just dont trust his politics, and dont trust his loyalties plain and simple. In my opinion as a minority, theres no way Ill vote for someone who has already sworn alleigence to "his race of people" above the well being of his country. Either your an American for America or not. Im not even going to address the stupid a_s race issue here. I could care less. They are going to tuck away any candidate who isnt part of their NWO club. They are ignoring the will of the people, and will slide in someone who will pick up where GWBush leaves off. They are not going to just turn the country back over to us. I believe the NWO knows it wont be able to get a republican into the whitehouse, so they will stack the deck with a few lame horses, and aim to get either Obama or Hillary elected.

THOSE OF US WHO KNOW HOW CRITICAL THIS ELECTION IS will have to keep the name Ron Paul on our lips.

We will have to keep at it. We have a fight ahead of us.

Youll see.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Immigration, and rascism in general

So on the "American" issue.

Either you are an American, or not: I consider myself an American of Spanish & Indian decent.

I don't hate white people or europeans AT ALL for what happened 200 years ago or more. In fact, I have a mild admiration for the civilizations which came out on top in a time and climate where it could have been anyone with a good plan and execution. Demonizing any one country or people for doing what "was done" back in those times is like demonizing "whalers" back in the whaling times. What did they know about conservation or the world? They were just fishermen making a living.

It seems to me, that the only thing we love more than "winners" is to hate them soon enough after.

What burns me the most day to day, is hearing the same old crying match over and over and over again about slavery. African Americans are very smart to play a card which works so well.

I would do this myself if I thought it had merit, but Puerto Ricans, as a minoroty don't seem to be able to get along long enough to agree on what to have for dinner much less agree on a political agenda. Frankly, often times I am embarrassed to watch most latinos riding the coat tails of the black (African American) movement.

The truth of the matter is that the amount of african slaves to the white man is paltry when compared to all the other slavery statistics through out history including their own (Africans as slaves to other Africans, Egypt, Ethiopia, Phonecia et alia). This is true whether you consider the empires of Afria geographically OR as a matter of color of skin. People buying into this load of crap are just looking for something to buy, and I admire African Americans for pulling off such a sales scam. I do not blame them a bit, it's being handed and taught to them. They are making it part of thier modern culture, and re writing history to validate it. What did you expect?

Maybe I should rewrite history for my people too?

Its the public who lend the credence to the whole preposterous issue by handing them this excuse as a viable free ride through society. It is my opinion, that this is weakening mankind as a whole.

Right here, and right now, I experience OVERT rascism every single day from African Americans who mistake me for a (the) white man. I'm being judged for my apparent appearance, all the while having to endure hearing about the unjust-ness of judging by appearance.

I am a pretty outspoken, unafraid person, so I say all the time "how hypocritical it is for someone who knows what rascism is, to be condemning it, while concurrently practicing it".

Then I might mention that I am Spanish/Latin, (or Latino as some of you insist) and all of a sudden "I'm ok with them?" That alone makes me rascist against anyone who practices that double standard bullshit. If I were a white man, I believe I'd start to become rascist just behind that. I do not blame white people who aren't buying into this shit, and who decide they need to be White, and proud.

Slavery was a sad but very real part of history, It isnt anymore, and that should be enough.
I'm sick to death of having to endure rascism from African Americans for something I had absolutely no hand in, not to mention the fact that neither did my ancestors. The people who are hanging on to it the most, are poeple who have something to gain from it. For example, my race of people (ancestors), the Taino Indian's, were completely wiped out by the Spanish (my other ancestors) and subsequent settlers. Our men murdered, entire culture erased, all lands taken, all riches plundered, country renamed. Do I get MY "fourty acres and a mule" eventually? Give me a mf break.

If this is a free country now (and I sure hope we dont forget about those issues) Then I am a product of my own efforts, no matter what anyone thinks of me. If I'm too lazy to go out and make something of myself, then I should thank no one but myself. If a black man can afford a bus ticket out of the ghetto, and does so, only to make something of himself, then all I have is admiration for him. The same man who wont spend the money on the bus ticket, but finds it more useful to use it to fund his crack business or any other illegal thing gets no sympathy from me. We all have a cable tow to bear. Make something of yourself and stop waiting around for a handout.Do you hear Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Peruvians, Egyptians, and others crying the race card and demanding the countries, and land back? Get fckin over it already. There are a hundred thousand Mexicans out there willing to work and make something of themselves, and only because some white idiots are helping them to make excuses for themselves do you see all this ridiculous protesting and stuff. An ILLEGAL ALIEN IS ILLEGAL. SEND THEM BACK. If they want to enter the country legally, then they have the chance. Otherwise they should be treated like anyother criminal PERIOD.The white people who have bought into the guilt trip and are out in front waving that banner are the most pathetic creatures on the face of this planet besides P.E.T.A.

WHY IS IT OK for only a MINORITY like me to say all this? If I were WHITE, would I be rascist?

Are we trying to make it an "Equal opportunity world"? or are we trying to "Make up for something by giving all of the advantages to any one people"? and IF SO, When is it OUR (Puerto Rican?Taino) turn? Do we get handed the silver spoon next?


Making the presidential elections a racial issue is a crime which will be perpetrated by the true hypocrits of out time. "Closet rascist's" bent on an agenda and willing to use any means for getting that agenda achieved, even if its a lie only to promote themselves. They truly could care less about anyone including those of their own race, much less other "monorities".

And so I say, what no one else has the balls to say once again.

Juan Iota