Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Caution. Contains explicit lyrics however as a smart guy said, "nothing contained herein that will cause you eternal torment down in the place where the guy with the fire and the pointy stick conducts his business."

Watching all this fear, hate, meltdown and manipulative blaming. You are all, right and left struggling with a political machine that is using you as canon fodder for politicians, elites and globalists who will benefit from all of your sorrow. I hope you will forgive me; When agitated, Gorillas want to pull their swords, rip arms and legs off. So, I pray, you won't allow my curt tone to prevent you from understanding how much love and patience are meant in this message.

You; The people, all people, regardless of where you come from, amount of melanin content in your skin tone or lack thereof, ((or melatonin in your system lol). You, WE are ALL WE HAVE. So,

This I am going to say without intent to insult, offend or belittle anyone: I'm not going to argue, I do not have to consider whether this information is true or not, I wore out these rabbit holes in the past 35 years pursuing the truth. While I have only scratched the surface, I have a grasp of what I call "the 1000 yard picture."

Just a paragraph about who is speaking, in reaching out to you. I am not going to debate any of the following information, because there is no maybe. If you disagree with anything i say, I respect that. We can walk away with respect for each other. I have pursued the truth until there was nothing left clouding it. I've read journals of my ancestors who were in the Spanish army and who decimated my cultural ancestors. I have endeavored to get the big picture and the details.

So, either use this information to help you find YOUR truth by my "Landmarks", or don't. Cling to your beliefs. I am willing to help you find what I have found. Call me whatever the fuck you like, but you can't call me a SLAVE, because my mind is free. t this point, I have thrown away all of my old beliefs and reacquired the ones that were valid.

I shouldn't have to list this, but I will:
My bloodline consists of DNA (of scientific analysis) approc 30% Native Taino, 40% Ibeiran (Spanish & Basque, so I am told), Sub-Saharan Afrikan, Ashkenazic Hebrew, and less than 1% ""European". What's amazing is, my ancestors passed this information on and there were few conflicts with the scientific results.

I OWE NO race, culture or POLITICAL PARTY dick, much less my loyalty. My loyalty is to the human race. If you are hungry I will hunt, grow food and feed you. For "leaders" I choose who I think can best do the job. Mine mentors are the FREE minds. Arthur Ashe, Malcolm X, Paine, Sam Adams, Moses, Solomon, Hiram, etc." just to name a few.

I love "Silver-back" Gorillas too.

I have argued with the best, the meanest, rudest, the smartest, the stupidest, been called everything. So, If you want to call me stupid,
Don't care. Send me your I.Q. scores, and I'll send you "mind".

The Topic:

This (what is happening for the past 4yrs, 12yrs, 35yrs, 55yrs, is so far above and beyond "race" "class",and "racism" it's not even funny anymore. I wish young people (under 40) would snap the fuck out of it, and I wish my non-White people would raise their consciousness and finally wake up to the CON JOB of the democrat party (not just them), republicans too. Its the unified elite, what some call the NWO/globalists), What Jesus called "the money changers", The "pharisees", and what they have been pulling on us for
200 years back to (?) 1000 B.C..

This goes back beyond the formation and chartering of the very first multinational corporation and if you don't know much if anything about that subject, then you don't know much about this subject! The Corporation was so massive, so pervasive, it had it's own standing army, currency, navy. It cause so much fear in the elites in Europe and Russia, that "diplomacy" was the only answer to living on the same globe and a "Charter" was given from England's crown. A gesture
really, to avoid having to go to war. (Still don't know without google huh?) What country sells its citizens the drugs they want from their own ancient world wide "franchise"? What series of countries in the world enjoy relative calm, passivity whose people are docile and "outwardly happy?"


The White European bankers and multi National Corporations CHASED those who came here to colonized this continent and even though my people were already here and were not just enslaved but WIPED OUT, culture wiped from the face of the earth, I HOLD NO GRUDGE, I hold no hate towards the White man, or any other man. If we knew what the future would bring, we could have put spears through them before they got off the boats. BUT THAT WOULDN'T HAVE STOPPED ANYTHING.

See, THIS EARTH HAS A 10,000 YEAR HISTORY OF CONQUEST.. From the Egyptians, Afrikans, Mongol's all civilizations throughout history. We have come to a "civilized time". HATE IS WHAT KEEPS IT GOING, AND YOU HAVE BEEN FOOLED by your education. FOOLED into the grudge which helps you rationalize the chip on your shoulder. Even though, the enemies of this FREE REPUBLIC have been trying to subvert, subdue and enslave it since before the revolutionary war, they have been unsuccessful. This "Educational bamboozle" is relatively recent.

Not only are many of our modern people still SLAVES but now millions of "minorities" who need not be enslaved, and well meaning White people are Slaves. All enslaved in your minds, It's partly some of our Grandparents and "parents fault for not educating our parents and, for leaving you in the hands of evil bags of shit to be educated.

YOU NOW LIVE on the worlds biggest plantation and soon, the plantation will be world wide. When your means of protecting yourselves, your families, your personal sovereignty and individualism are gone, they will remove the facades, the social platitudes and the offers of free gifts. You will wake up and see the walls of this prison that has been under construction since MY grandfathers time (40's 50's) when the "agenda" was born.

They have slowly helped people become accustomed to the terms and ideals by offering placebos and platitudes. They have sold you on a social concept that was created for nothing more than control. CONTROL! It's shocking, SHOCKING that people can't see it coming. "Contact tracing software" is already on your phone, and like a frog in water, you don't notice the temperature and guess what? Many of
what you call "right wingers" or "trump-tards" don't either, because they have almost everyone fooled and polarized.

You can't even really put your finger on why you hate each other. When I see both sides calmly get together, they ALL walk away going: "they aren't what I think they are." and that's because those who create these opinions make sure you are directing your anger at each-other instead of where it belongs.

I could easily based on research alone, teach this subject. However, they would RUN ME OUT OF THE ACADEMIA for telling the truth.

Extra Credit:

I refuse to put out links and try to prove my point in a facebook post. They even have this social platform designed to limit the effectiveness of communication, keep people squabbling like fucking sea gulls. That's all I see out here anymore.

Too put it in a paragraph, This entire narrative is an agenda that goes back farther than 1950. IT goes back father but you have to start somewhere and priorities dictate that you study whats directly affecting you first.


They tried to get me, and you, to be HAVE BEEN EDUCATED in a system that you know very little about and DON'T FEEL BAD: It took me awhile to figure it out. WHY they got so mad, when I kept pointing out how stupid their system of "teaching" and the material that reinvents history seemed. Even the physics was parochial at it's base.("Planck length"? W.I.T.H.B.F.)

I'll give you two clues and if there is any real mid pre-frontal,
amygdala, orbital frontal cortex and temporal cortex function as well as left frontal-parietal, left Basal Ganglia. brain system functions left within ear shot, then you contact me for information:

#1 LOOK UP "Saul Alinsky"

#2 Ask yourself: "What is the Hegelian Dialectic?

The only thing I admonish is to have access to THE TRUTH. Be cautious in doing "google searches" to find out the truth, because they are already on to us and have churned out bullshit from their propaganda mills (some of which are in Brooklyn, warehouses FULL of so-called journalists churning out bullshit just like in the movie "1984" from the "ministry of information think-speak".

If this does nothing to help reach you, well, fine. Kill each other. Enjoy your slavery. I have lives an AWESOME life. I will NEVER be a slave to anyone, EVER.

Think of the "Silver-back Gorilla" who can, without even trying rip the arms legs and head from the strongest man on earth. His nature is calm, kind, gentle, sensitive, intelligent. Now, that is who I would like to be.Yet, they kill them.

Even as I rot away in my age, I have identified and fought good battles against my fear and evil. Not all but most, Pursued Wisdom. What I am most proud of is learning to HEAL others as well as myself.. I will die a Good death, with a free mind, looking at a beautiful sky. A death befitting of a true Warrior/Healer A "Silver back Gorilla"

I wish this for you too, or whatever your good dreams are.

Image may contain: text that says '"Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger Men [and Women]. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks. Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you shall be the miracle." -John Kennedy Washington, D.C., Feb. 1963 Prayer Breakfast w/Phillips Brooks Episcopal bishop (1835 1893)'

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

BACK TO BASICS (For those who havent yet embraced this history.

Maybe this will help:I saw someone refer to this, when describing capitalism in one of the world and political discussion forums I frequent:

"I see it a lot like fire, it is great for cooking but out of control will burn your house down.. "

I say The political system has been “hacked” for years. They found the weak points and manipulated ‘results’, became better and better at it. I am not sure that it is repairable without a revolution. The web of corruption is so entirely embedded.Ross Perot looked like a chance for a fresh start, it fizzled away.Ron Paul came and has been buried as well as a few others.Many men who opposed them have been worn out and finally gave in, selling out for their “dole” Like, Would yOu say maybe, McCain......?

I still see a lot of potential for an economic collapse. To me it seems planned. Well engineered, a "controlled collapse". This may provide opportunity for a fresh start. Except for America has way too many stupid people who don't ‘know’ OR don’t want to know what is going on. This seems negative and mean doesn't it? and yet, it's "a" reality. certainly a possibility isn't it?

The trouble is the current world vested interests have acquired a lot of power that would survive intact even in the event of a crash. It is likely that the same gangsters will manage to regain control, even if we have a new start.."I see it a lot like fire, it is great for cooking but out of control will burn your house down.. "I have heard that before, and I feel just as then, such a perfect analogy.

SOome people hate this kind of message because it reeks of taking actual proactive responsibility for the world you live in, but first and foremost your own country. I see people constantly sitting back and talking about things but In reality just generally accepting most things, until whatever happens, happens (bywhoevermakesithappen). Then, I see a lot of sitting around and rationalizing why that result was meant to be or "best".

I have witnessed more than ever, “over rationalization” and justification for ridiculous aspects of our society & for a very long time. I would say it has gone beyond ridiculous & over-complicated. This is beneficial to the ‘perversion’ & decline because it lends itself to corruption & subjugation of the good, established common law.

"out of control will burn your house down.. "(Good post Natalie) That was great, succinct & generally common truth.

This system worked *!awesome!* for a very long time -even after we relatively conquered the basic laws (the Various forms) of slavery in this country. It took the European financiers and world elite powers many years, many and various techniques of assault to take apart the system of this country and actually seize it.

We can surely see why manipulative forces in the world would hate everything about this system. It is SAD that the utter ~current~ (& for 100 years) perversion of this system is nothing like what was meant for this republic.Bottom line: as bad as the current corruption and treason is in this system, we have something that very few other people including the saboteurs have which is: a political and social, as well as moral system in this world that has actually worked in most of its basic forms, certainly not least importantly: economically. Nothing in this world is perfect. This system is worth preserving. We should value our sovereignty to all reasonable levels. The bankers (central banks) are nobody's side show.

You must always remember where the power lies, not in politics, nor corporations but those who control the money. [Mayer Amschel Bauer] (1744 -1812), Godfather of the Rothschild Banking Cartel of Europe As Mayer Amschel Rothschild once stated:Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws.

Here another long statement reflecting the influence banks have in people's lives from J.P. Morgan source: in 'The Creature from Jekyll Island' (American Opinion Publishing), p. 218 Capital must protect itself in every way... Debts must be collected and loans and mortgages foreclosed as soon as possible. When through a process of law the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong arm of the law applied by the central power of leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among our principle men now engaged in forming an imperialism of capitalism to govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us except as teachers of the common herd.

The central banks have been running the show for more than a century, every war, every economic crisis, rise and fall of world leaders and political figures, and many aspects of our daily lives are dependent of this money hungry group of individuals that makes up the central banking cartel."The bankers are nobody's side show, you must always remember where the power lies, not in politics, nor corporations but those who control the money

"You might say: "What about the network of offshore banks owned by the CIA?" etc....Those are piggybanks compared to what there is.

~The bankers (central banks)Panic of 1907
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A swarm gathers on Wall Street during the bank panic in October 1907. Federal Hall, with its statue of George Washington, is seen on the right.The Panic of 1907, also known as the 1907 Bankers' Panic, was a financial crisis that occurred in the United States when the New York Stock Exchange fell close to 50% from its peak the previous year. Panic occurred, as this was during a time of economic recession, and there were numerous runs on banks and trust companies. The 1907 panic eventually spread throughout the nation when many state and local banks and businesses entered into bankruptcy. Primary causes of the run include a retraction of market liquidity by a number of New York City banks and a loss of confidence among depositors.The crisis was triggered by the failed attempt in October 1907 to corner the market on stock of the United Copper Company. When this bid failed, banks that had lent money to the cornering scheme suffered runs that later spread to affiliated banks and trusts, leading a week later to the downfall of the Knickerbocker Trust Company-New York City's third-largest trust. The collapse of the Knickerbocker spread fear throughout the city's trusts as regional banks withdrew reserves from New York City banks. Panic extended across the nation as vast numbers of people withdrew deposits from their regional banks.The panic may have deepened if not for the intervention of financier J. P. Morgan, who pledged large sums of his own money, and convinced other New York bankers to do the same, to shore up the banking system. At the time, the United States did not have a central bank to inject liquidity back into the market. By November the financial contagion had largely ended, yet a further crisis emerged when a large brokerage firm borrowed heavily using the stock of Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company (TC&I) as collateral. Collapse of TC&I's stock price was averted by an emergency takeover by Morgan's U.S. Steel Corporation-a move approved by anti-monopolist president Theodore Roosevelt. The following year, Senator Nelson W. Aldrich established and chaired a commission to investigate the crisis and propose future solutions, leading to the creation of the Federal Reserve System.

DO You have this?????????
Very, very good.
Read "The creature from Jekyll Island
Now we're cooking.
You can see where after this period, there are CONTRAILS leading all the way to TODAY-

Friday, May 29, 2009

Aarron Russo- FREEDOM to FACISM


I am sure you have seen this but just in case.
Very good stuff.

“We cannot be fixated on our desire to preserve and protect the rights of ordinary Americans”
President Bill Clinton March 11, 1993


“Legal opponents of President Bill Clinton were singled out for tax audits” -Paul Breslan, IRS Official, from court records.

The pages of History shine on instances of the jury's exercize of its perogative to disregard instructions of the judge. -U.S. V. Dougherty 1972

Pastor with guts chain mail

Pastor with Guts

Thought you might enjoy this interesting prayer given in Kansas at the opening session of their Senate. It seems prayer still upsets some people. When Minister Joe Wright was asked to open the new session of the Kansas Senate, everyone was expecting the usual generalities, but this is what they heard:Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity, and called it
freedom of expression.

We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us, Oh, God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Amen! The response was immediate. A number of legislators walked out during the prayer in protest. In 6 short weeks, Central Christian Church, where Rev. Wright is the Pastor, logged more than 5,000 phone calls with only 47 of those calls responding negatively. The church is now receiving international requests for copies of this prayer from India, Africa and Korea . Commentator Paul Harvey aired this prayer on his radio program, 'The Rest of the Story,'and received a larger response to this program than any other he has ever aired. With the Lord's help, may this prayer sweep over our nation and wholeheartedly become our desire so that we again can be called 'One Nation under God.

God Bless America, today & forever.

Thanks for sending it Andrea,

I liked this. It’s nice to get something strong and prayerful instead of limp for a change.

I find this to be true so far; (Snopes and http://www.washingtontimes.com/weblogs/a-conservative-view-point/2009/apr/19/a-pastor-with-guts/ )

We know that “religious” emails & things make many people uncomfortable, and I believe that “we *Christian’s” should bear some of the responsibility for this, only because of the tactics some well meaning people use to “share” the ‘word’ of GOD. *I use the term for myself loosely, since my belief’s are strong yet many Christians cringe at my version of ‘exemplification’ sometimes and that is the point: This practice of “judging others” has once again spread to the non-secular as well. So, Some Christians should be telling ourselves; “now I know how it feels”. Well, Lets try continue to leave the judging of our to ourselves to ourselves, and the judging of mankind on the whole to the LORD.

Thanks for sending it. I respect anyone who does not believe in GOD and yet who lives a good, kind and honest life out of a sense of responsibility. Others, (even some self described Christians sometimes) we know don’t have these impediments. I also respect politicians who can exemplify the values this country was built on and yet who know how to keep their extolment of these values within a healthy respect of others that may not share them (also exploited by some). We live in a time of hypocrites’ & hypocrite-(icizm).

The truth hurts those who don’t know how to deal with guilt, whether it’s first hand or the guilt of silence, while we watch sh_t-bags exploit the kindness and vulnerability of others for greed and personal gain.

They count on us remaining passive and docile while counting on the possibility that there will be no atonement or “accounting” at the end of this life. I know that GOD favors the meek however, I have to work very hard to remember this, as I am of the predisposition to deal with the world the in the very same way it deals with me (only with a certain amount of sincerity, integrity and circumscription of “passion”. Also, I mean try to deal fairly). This is viewed as a weakness to some ‘godless’ people.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"RAGE against the Machine"

Before you even read it, yes Im pissed off, and thats never pretty.

From the Amazon Political forums:

You Might Be A Gun Control Advocate if......


John Hruschka (JH) says:

"Wow--what an incredible compendium of fallacious statements.Don't get me wrong, I think the Constitution guarantees citizens the right to bear arms, but that list is a gigantic load of polemical crap.

*All you really have to believe, if you support gun control, is that the rights guaranteed in the Constitution are not absolute.*

(Note to Government and dumb lazy complacent fucks like this, from Juan Iota: Thanks for clarifying just how much of a constitutional idiot you are. You couldnt be more 'worng'. YOU, fuckbags arent supposed to be able to TAKE away GOD given rights. ITS US THE PEOPLE that give govenrment the rights THEY have. ALL OTHER RIGHTS ARE REMANDED TO THE law abiding PEOPLE.) I now return you to the rest of this ridiculous crap)

JH- "Remember, the right of free speech does not allow you to yell fire in a crowded theater and the protection against unreasonable search and seizure does not apply if you are suspected of a drug crime--so it is not rational to expect that the 4th amendment gives you absolute, unrestricted access to any and all guns."

My response in Thread:

JH-"Remember, the right of free speech does not allow you to yell fire in a crowded theater"?

Only because lazy, idiotic citizens have decided to entrust our "authoritie*d*" to rule that we are too 'f_ing stoopid' to know regardless of some jokester running around laughing and or screaming, whether or not a building is on fire, or to kick the crap out of, IF said idiot tries to endanger everyone else in the theater for no good reason.

Funny, that theater crap never used to happen a hundred years ago when it was ten times more dangerous.....

WOnder whats changed?

Theres a pattern here:
"its disruptive, so lets give up our rights", "its a danger so lets give up our rights", its expensive so lets give up our rights", its NECESSARY, so lets give up our rights"........

Wait, we dont have many left do we?

YES- We have ""EVOLVED"" to the point in society where we NEED "Authorities" to ensure that some (evolved) imbecile wont do something stupid like that.

JH-"Its Necessary""and the protection against unreasonable search and seizure does not apply if you are suspected of a drug crime--"

Because we have decided that its ok to take the rights from the law abiding, so that authorities dont have to find ways of being smarter, more efficient and more effective at catching crooks.

HOWEVER on the other hand, they dont want US "taking the law into our own hands".

Let the authorities take the easy way out by taking OUR fccg rights, and allow the crooks to rely on their igenuity.

YAY for progress!

These new things is turning out a great society, isnt it!

"We live in a time of technology and abundance, we dont need to arm ourselves any longer"

This country is chock full of lazy, complacent, docile wussie ass idiots.

Screw being "responsible" for your liberty AND actions, and holding others entirely responsible for theirs ..... just entrust it Alllllll to the "authorities"!

They will make everything alllll better.Right?


Come on, although ya try to discredit
Ya still never edit
The needle, I'll thread it Radically poetic
Standin' with the fury that they had in '66
And like E-Double I'm mad Still knee-deep in the system's shet
Hoover, he was a body remover
I'll give ya a dose but it'll never come close
To the rage built up inside of meF

Movements come and movements go

Cause all these punks
Got bullets in their heads
Departments of police, the judges, the feds

ou know they went after King
When he spoke out on Vietnam

He turned the power to the have-nots


Wit' poetry, my mind I flexFlip like Wilson, vocals never lackin' dat finesse

Whadda I got to, whadda I got to do to wake ya up
To shake ya up, to break the structure up?
Cause blood still flows in the gutter
I'm like takin' photos, Mad boy kicks open the shutter
Set the groove Then stick and move like I was Cassius
Rep the stutter step
Then bomb a left upon the fascistsYea, the several federal men
Who pulled schemes on the dream
And put it to an end
Ya better bewareOf retribution with mind war20/20 visions and murals with metaphors

Networks at work, keepin' people calm
Ya know they murdered X
And tried to blame it on Islam
He turned the power to the have-nots



(theres a fire in our theater")


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

If you aint pissed, then GET,-GET pissed. Or get pissed on.

If you aint pissed, then GET,-GET pissed. Or get pissed on.

Continually challenge those who endeavor to ruin this country. Continue to ask questions of those who are not worthy of our trust, yet who have SEIZED control of this country. DEFY the enemies of the FREE REPUBLIC. Consistently challenge the few good politicians who are left, to stand up and be heard. Those who would weaken this country are intent of keeping us divided and I tell you that THE ONLY HOPE THIS COUNTRY HAS LEFT IS UNITY."

You have no color, you have no culture. We have nothing if we don’t have each-other. Did you not here the call: “If you are not with us, then you are against us”?

These are the things a real patriot would be concerned with. This is what a real patriot would do, and not spend their time ridiculing fellow citizens. Especially when these citizens know in their gut there is something wrong going on here. The time since I said it was coming has ticked off almost 6 months. It is looming larger on the horizon now and even mild skeptics are beginning to see that what I said about Obama in the very beginning is true.

NO-ONE is more distressed over the fact that he is nothing more than the cousin of a pawn, another pawn for the forces who hate us and want to grind us into New World Order Fodder. This is because they KNOW DAMN WELL, that we will not go quietly into the night they have prepared for us. Americans will be relegated to third class, third world citizens very soon.

What did KRS-1 say? What did Griff say? What did Negron say?

Real patriots would want to know the truth without a shadow of a doubt. The skeptical shills live in fear, and nothing else. Do not let them turn this around on you. You seek the truth, as scary as it might get. Be brave Americans, don’t be afraid to challenge these **cks.

I am especially amazed at the people who find these statements "negative". This is reality, and not just one persons interpretation of reality. This is a big fat storm cloud coming- and you want to call the weather forecaster negative?

Tell the world, tell all the people who ridicule you for wanting truth: Be my guest, as you cower inside your cocoon in front of your TV praying it doesn’t come after you since you were a good proletarian supporter. Watch the videos if you can.




There are untold numbers of people dying of terrible ailiments in New York because of the lies we have been told. Wake up brothers and sisters. Here Amerikka, roll around in it. I love you Nacy Pelosi, I love you Hillary, know I got a thing for ya Sarah Palin. Message brought to you by “AmeriKKan Idol-otry” and “Big Negga” ME cause I am not going to shut up until they come and shut me up. If we get the band started before they get us, then we will ring the message of truth, freedom and justice out to every human being we can reach.

FEARLESS AND PISSED F**KING OFF -is what I am today.

Flav: “They claim we bruddahs from the bottom of hell, -cause the black is back and its bound to sell. ““Picture us coolin out on the fourth of july, and if you heard we were celebratin, I say well why lie? Yo Chuck, the federals are tryin to pull a two-two-six on ya Gee, show-em whatcha got-show-show-em whatcha got”:

Chuck D: -This style seems wild

Wait before you treat me like a stepchild

Let me tell you why they got me on file

cause I give you what you lack

Come right and exact

Our status is the saddest

So I care where you at, black

And at home I got a call from tony rome

The FBI was tappin my telephone

I never live alone

I never walk alone

My posses always ready, and they’re waitin in my zone

Although I live the life that of a resident

But I be knowin the scheme that of the president

Tappin my phone whose crews abused

I stand accused of doing harm

cause Im louder than a bomb

Cmon cmon louder etc...

I am the rock hard trooper

To the bone, the bone, the bone

Full grown - consider me – stone

Once again and

I say it for you to know

The troop is always ready, I yell `geronimo

Your CIA, you see I aint kiddin

Both King & X they got ridda both

A story untold, true, but unknown

Professor griff knows...

“Yo I aint no toast” -Griff

And not the braggin or boastin and plus

It aint no secret why they’re tappin my phone, although

I cant keep it a secret

So I decided to kick it, yo

And yes it weighs a ton

I say it once again

I’m called the enemy - Ill never be a friend

Of those with closed minds, don’t know I’m rapid

The way that I rap it

Is makin-em tap it, yeah

Never servin em well, cause I’m an un-“Tom”

It’s no secret at all

Cause I’m louder than a bomb

(Count down):

Cold holdin the load

The burden breakin the mold

I aint lyin denyin, cause theyre checkin my code

Am I buggin cause theyre buggin my phone - for information

No tellin whos sellin out - power buildin the nation so...

Joinin the set, the point blank target

Every brothers inside - so least not, you forget, no

Takin the blame is not a waste, here taste

A bit of the song so you can never be wrong

Just a bit of advice, cause we be payin the price

cause every brother mans life

Is like swingin the dice, right?

Here it is, once again this is

The brother to brother

The terminator, the cutter

Goin on an on - leave alone the grown

Get it straight in 88, an Ill troop it to demonstrate

The posse always ready - 98 at 98

My posse comes quick, because my posse got velocity

Tappin my phone, they never leave me alone

Im even lethal when I’m unarmed

cause Im louder than a bomb

cause the “D” is for dangerous

You can come and get some of this

I teach and speak

So when its spoke, its no joke

The voice of choice

The place shakes with bass

Called one for the treble

The rhythm is the rebel

Heres a funky rhyme that theyre tappin on

Just thinkin Im breakin the beats Im rappin on

CIA, FBI -All they tell us is lies

And when I say it they get alarmed

cause Im louder than a bomb

Scott: I hope it fires you up like it does me, even for a little while- Sophisticated Bitches

Sunday, May 10, 2009

"Why did the Chicken, cross the Oprah?" or, the KFC debacle.

This is a letter I wrote to "Lawana" in Corporate at "K.F.C." after she had emailed me a .pdf (coupons) to pass on to several other people who had trouble getting them printed out before print out my coupons, with her blessings.

Remember me?

You did say to call you if I had any problems……… Would you take a second to give me the “official take” on this situation?

I seem to have been appointed new “spokesperson by proxy” for KFC in my circle of influence. After our pleasant conversation I was a hero for a whopping 24 hours or so, and now I’m being drawn and quartered. This is because the girls (separately) took their coupons (the ones you sent to pass to them and print myself) to their local Powder Springs franchise and were embarrassingly turned away! I now have an audience getting into the tens!

I called one of your local restaurants; they basically treated me like I had the plague. Assistant manager “Jose” told me that they want me to COME IN TO THE STORE, and fill out an information form for each coupon (that would be four), and that I should mail them away to then receive new coupons. I asked if the forms were available anywhere else to fill out and send in without making additional visits to the store, and I was told in no uncertain terms a flat, curt -“NO”.

I am not sure if these policy makers in your organization are hip to what is going on out here in the real world of kids, work, economy and the entropic nature of our society in general but: I haven’t the time to attempt to make special trips to the restaurant just for an “application session” to redeem my own in person & I don’t know too many people who do these days. I thought at first that I might be over-reacting, but I have run into many people who have the same feeling. At this point, I am wondering if I should even bother taking the ones I printed out, to the local restaurant here in Florida (Deltona).

To be honest; Up to now, other than the pleasure of making your acquaintance, I have a good amount of time, effort, a little printer ink invested & I am a little frustrated. I don’t mind paying for my food but my point is this:

If I invite you to dinner ‘gratis’ at my home, in an open attempt to gain your friendship and trust, should you have a right to be a little put out when I hand you an axe and compel you to split a chord of wood before dinner?

Just F.Y.I.: I am running into some very, very frustrated, upset people. Being that I am the curious type, I have taken to keeping a finger on the pulse of this issue in several circles. Many of them are unmoved by what some defenders of KFC are saying (basically that “people shouldn’t complain, because it’s free”, “KFC had no idea what the response would be”, “It’s all Oprah’s fault” (lol).

The point is, many people (like myself) are longtime, loyal KFC fans/patrons (personally I have never set foot in another “chicken joint”) The public take seems to be that KFC should not only have seen this coming, but shouldn’t offer something free and then plainly play “jump through these hoops” games about delivering on it regardless. This sounds hokey but what would “The Colonel” say about this display of policy and ethics?

My professional feeling is; amazement at the fact that such a historically marketing savvy, “survivalist” company as KFC could possibly be caught so “pants down” by this, and that there isn’t the depth in management there to handle this chaotic crisis on the fly.

I can tell you this: my initial feelings are that I won’t be visiting the store within the time period just to fill out a bunch of paper work. As much as I hate to sound petty; Next time I am looking to spend “out-eat” money, I will think twice about what I am experiencing.

As a savvy public relations marketing entrepreneur myself, I hope you guys have some awake and aware people on the ball, who will seize this and make it right before it hurts the company. If not, they should let you and I roll up our sleeves and get in there. SOMEONE is dropping the ball terribly! I would think, the company has about three days before this begins to stink pretty badly.

Thanks for the chance to express my opinion, and I hope you can appreciate why I took the time out of my schedule this weekend to write. If I were sitting in KFC’s ivory tower, I might just value hearing voices from the hordes that are thought out and reasonable.

Warmest Regards

Thomas Scott Negron