Monday, December 31, 2007

NoOneHome today, on planet earth.


I want to take this opportunity to honor a valiant soul There was a 35 year old homeless guy named Kelsy H. Ruiz that moved here from Honduras immigrating to Miami.

He lived on the streets as a homeless man sleeping wherever he could. Instead of stealing, selling drugs or taking advantage of others, he made every effort to work for his food and drink. Among other things he would help the female Colombian cuisine restaurant owner Malida Marreo in return for food and sometimes cash.

He would work and send money home to the Honduras for his family.One day when in proximity to the restaurant, Ruiz observed a man named Tyrone Clark attempting to rob the store owner.

The robber stabbed the female store owner while attempting to rob her and Mr Kelsy Ruiz stepped in & defended her fighting the robber, preventing further injury.The robber then turned on Kelsy stabbing him and leaving both victims literally lying in the middle of the street.I came by this story and thought to myself how many lazy selfish and greedy people there are in this world, and how many fewer are selfless brave and valiant if far from perfect, that when faced with the decision between doing the very difficult and dangerous right thing, and the easy zero-risk "nothing", they don't hesitate for a minute.

I realize this has nothing to do with the forum, and in particular, this thread but:

Something eats at me, when a soul who, however imperfect gives to the sum of humanity somehow gets struck down. although it bothers me, I understand the nature of the world & the beast. Its going to happen when you try to do the right thing. The saying "no good deed goes unpunished" is sadly often times true.It doesn't stop the good from doing good often times. They may lose their lives doing something good, but what Burns me up is when a good person falls, and leaves the earth "without a trace". Without some kind of remembrance, some tribute or honorable mention.So I just thought I'd take a minute to honor this young guy, and let him know that he isn't completely forgotten. I don't know him, never met him, but his name is on my lips today, and his spirit is in my heart.Kelsy H. Ruiz Rest in peace with the LORD, there are more here. We will do what we can.

-Juan Iota

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