Thursday, October 9, 2008

700 Billion $windle of the Century

I read somewhere:

"Great. The financial system is melting down and the solution is welfare checks for people holding morgages that are underwater and that have no equity associated with them. How about sending some of those "desperate" people who lied about their income to get mortgages they couldn't afford to jail for fraud? "

"This insensitive and ignorant statement displays what propaganda intends.

What exactly do you know about the mortgage business? I am amazed that so many people are willing to willynilly blame working america for their "theivery". I could give this whole discussion forum an education on this issue. I assure you, the American people should not be demonized for this. This is a lame cop out.

I also want to say something about Welfare".

Many of you speak of it as if its evil charity given to murdering scumbags. I have been paying taxes since I was sixteen, -paying into this system. A few times in my life, in the past such as when I had a six month old infant at home by myself with no help or family near, and after I had already gone through 38K worth of my own savings, and when I was backed against a wall- I relied on the werlfare system to help me get through the rough times until I got my new single parenting act together.

I am not ashamed in THE LEAST for taking advantage of something that is there for a reason, something that I to this day help support.I propose that ONLY a selfish, insensitive scumbag will ridicule hard working people, who are either temporarily down and kick them for needing help. This same person uses the plight of the people to pretext reasons for giving government MORE control of our lives and then in the next breath disparages people who are having trouble making it on their own. If you think it cant hapen to you, that you couldnt possibly have had some kind of misfortune occur to you as a result of this sub prime debacle, I propose you are arrogant and ignorant, forgetting that it could have AND DID happen to many people of different classes, rich, middle class & poor as well. I have been working with homeowners, who are having trouble with these very issues for the past year or more. These arent theiving people, they are the salt of the earth. Its too bad many ignorant people want to give this money away, which will go almost directly out of the country rather than to US Americans.

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