Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Physics of 11 Sept 2001

PHYSICS DOES NOT LIE...... IF we are Industrious & Astute and arent easily distracted by bullshit.

Greetings fellow citizens. Thanks to D. Jonesy While he appears a bit edgy and extreme at times to some people, he has earned friendship and respect from his contemporaries & allies. Free Thinkers usually do knock over a few glasses and vases around the house occasionally. That is a natural occurance when you lock a BULL (our FREE thoughts and dreams) in a china closet (the ever shrinking tyrannical thought process of the "powers that be").

They hate us and always have, because theres no f__king place to attach the puppet strings.

I hate them back and always have for trying to ruin a perfectly good planet, ALMOST as much as I hate any other "terrorists" "FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC"
Enough of that Rant.

Lets get to my favorite one. How in the hell do you (in this atmosphere & gravity) make "water pour up"?. OR; How does one; "throw an average baseball, with enough speed to develop the monumental potential energy to 'completely' destroy the bat all the way down to the knob of the handle, and itself".

NOW, this analogy should be backwards: How does the ball able to destroy the bat in the first place? Well, potential energy.

The only place this could come from is the increase in mass as a direct result of motion.

Energy = (m) X Acceleration

Without 'other' outside forces acting upon the ball ("explosives") this is otherwise impossible.

My scientific query eliminates many of the confusing variables. I like to try and compartmentalize things into "sub-routines". This is a trick I learned when trying to become a proficient computer programmer. The question (Ball vs Bat), can be answered quite simply:

Please express in mathematics, each collapse from initiation of collapse to completion. UC Davis HAS in fact done this, and in a really OBJECTIVE (and kinda humorous, for nerds) way.

Keep in mind, I constantly provide science form both sides of the coin. So I do NOT do "Abstracts" unless I provide links to their entirety. (part of my personal ground rules) I want to stress here, that after general theory and the basics of these in formula form, I get just as lost is not more, than other people do. My mathematics skills are equal to that of maybe a 7th grader.

The rest of my mind in my opinion, makes up for this weakness.
(orbital mechanics for instance; I can tell you HOW it works, but not exactly why) Makes me want to fill a bathtub with it and jump in.

Here are some links to engineering and science treatments.

Heres one thats going to send you running to the drugstore:

Disclaimer: I am not interested in "conspiracy theories". I leave that to my fried friend and ally David. He ties them up well, and his presentations are fantastic food for thought. I will say publicly that I do not agree with everything he has. So no one can ever accuse him and I of pandering one another. We are two opposites of the same person, and we happen to have some similarities in subtle sarcasm and insensitivity with regard to "Political Correct-ness" and "Religion". Of course I have my opinions.

He is critical of my opinions & findings. He questions my results even when they align with his theory. Thats a good man. Instead of broad strokes. I tend to be specific IE: do I think Oswald acted alone? HELL NO. Do I believe there were more than 1 shooter? Yes, because of my science, Im sure of it. I am careful NOT to >>>>Project<<<< into any case studies, but take the time to proceed one point at a time, until I have a consensus of details which either come to a cu=onclusion, or don't. This is what a scientific Approach / mind will do.

IE: I hear something under the bed. I shush up, and listen quelling my fear lond enough to activate the impulse of steering all of my available "ram" to my hearing feeling and seeing" senses. I am quiet for a minute, and listen. If I hear something under the bed nagain, and say catch a glimpse of shadow, I slowly (even though I am fearful) look under the bed. Either theres something there, or there isnt. Some minds will hear, & have a hidden fear and instinct there is something under the bed. They will turn up the music. They will turn away and look in a different direction. They will ignore this instinct, and ask someone else to look under the bed. IF someone says to them, "I hear something under the bed", they will argue with them saying "No, you dont hear anything". "If we ignore the noise, it will go away".

There is a lot more to this phsycological dynamic, but Im sure some will catch my drift.

Dynamic + Havoc = Dynavoc That is my latest word.

The professional skeptic, I have never been able to figure out so: Go Figure?

Our purpose is a good one. Our efforts, however difficult are productive in the long run. Discouragement is normal and natural. Lets stay at it. With the moderators permission I will transfer some of my earliest scientific inquiries from the "other" forum to here. With no protests, you should see the initial question appear here shortly. Much work has been lost, but who cares.

Im a stubborn son of a bitch. I dont give up easy and I want to figure out what happened so no other fire fighters or Port Authority people like 35 year old <> get sacrificed for greedy shitty reasons. I didnt then, have never and still do not feel that what happened on 11 Sept was what we were being told was happening. I do not feel right, I trust my instincts, I trust my perception, I trust my life long interest in Physics and Science. I trust my many many years of experience. Just to avoid any doubt, I will post my qualifications here as soon as I write them down for anyone to examine. This way you will know how much or how little of a right I have to MY OWN opinion... Interesting concept in a "free society" isnt it?

T.S. Negron Curious Fellow.
Keen interest in Humanity, Physics & general theoretical Sciences.
Sword Bearer w/ plenty of faith and trust in GOD.
Aimiable, non-violent Musician whenever possible

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