Friday, January 18, 2008


Someone posted this in "If Barack Obama wins" thread in the Amazon Forum today:

" Rakeem Bolden says: If Obama does win do any of you think he will get assassinated, casue it seems like everytime anyperson of color gets to much power thats what happens to them."

"Rakeem Bolden says: Oprah is not a threat, neitther is Micheal Jordan, Kobe, Shaq, and countless others. The difference is that he may be the president. And Bill I don't know who will do this one but I am leaning toward the whites this time although the blacks that killed Malcolm got help through the same ones that had something to do with the deaths of King and Kennedy.
No not paranoid I have no reason to be, but have people really changed that much since the 1960's. Everyone knows that a white man w/ power doesn't like a black man to have more power then him. Can you picture Obama on any U.S. currency or them adding his picture to Mount Rushmore, hell naw but they would have to do something big like that if he is the first "BLACK" president.To be honest if he wins and turns out like Bush or even makes one bad step, there will never be another black president again, and thats the truth. So lets stop acting like his skin color doesn't play an important issue here. Furthermore the "first step" for America to rid itself of racism is to acknowledge that its does exist."

" Caruso says: To Rakeem Bolden: I will never forget what a black women told me, long ago: She said that white men do not like black men, because, deep down in the white male personality, they are afraid that black men will "steal" their women. Is this why there are so many black males in jail and why they are not given good jobs, and drop out of school and why black women are easier for white men to deal with and employ for the reasons given above?"

"Everyone knows that a white man w/ power doesn't like a black man to have more power then him. "


"This is a perfect example of reverse racism, and "lets keep the rift going" logic.You mean, any white man will hate any black man who has more power than he has, simply because he is black??

Your racist stripe is showing brother, but instead of expressing it, you are projecting a straw man racist view, so youll have someone or something to target.

Lets get beyond that. Lets find some solutions to the problems, instead of letting "the man" keep us dumb and stupid, and HERE. When I say the "man" I mean: The puppetmasters, who seem to NOW be of several colors and creeds, who dont care, or mind a bit about selling out people of their own color, creed, religion, and nationality for their daily bread. I say, "we damn sure better get past all this petty crap, and NOW. If we do not, we will ALL be having this same coversation from behing prison camp bars."

Citizens of every color, creed, and religion; Cast aside your hate. Cast aside the old grudges and barriers. When people truly and sincerely love each other amazing miracles CAN happen. We can save this civilization. We can save this earth. ...........Be sincere, be color blind. BE HONEST. Speak plainly. Dont hold your fellow man to a standard that you are not willing to meet yourself.

Let us continue to communicate with respect, and without the need to insult. Lets keep our passions within DUE bounds.

I personally dont dig Obama, BUT if he does become president, I will give him my loyalty UNTIL and IF he proves himself to be the JUDAS that Bush and Clinton were both, and Bush SR, The REAL question is: Would Obama be a "just the same old" puppet if he is elected?

I PRAY with all my heart not. I want Ron Paul for president only because he is a constitutionalist, he wants to put a stop to many of the things that are a plague to this country and he doesnt care what it takes. That "extremism" is what we need. Is he doesnt make it, and its Obama? As far as Im concerned, if Obama DOES turn out to be sincere and DOES NOT- SELL US OUT LIKE THE OTHERS have. They better not kill him, because then they will have to KILL ME TOO because Ill be coming right behind him after them.

We all know, they will try and get him if it turns out he IS FOR THE PEOPLE. They will do it and blame it on "whitey, or some "lone, three named straw man". I pray to GOD we will be able to see, and know better.

-Spoken by a man, not white, and not black, but American.

Juan Iota

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