Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Immigration, and rascism in general

So on the "American" issue.

Either you are an American, or not: I consider myself an American of Spanish & Indian decent.

I don't hate white people or europeans AT ALL for what happened 200 years ago or more. In fact, I have a mild admiration for the civilizations which came out on top in a time and climate where it could have been anyone with a good plan and execution. Demonizing any one country or people for doing what "was done" back in those times is like demonizing "whalers" back in the whaling times. What did they know about conservation or the world? They were just fishermen making a living.

It seems to me, that the only thing we love more than "winners" is to hate them soon enough after.

What burns me the most day to day, is hearing the same old crying match over and over and over again about slavery. African Americans are very smart to play a card which works so well.

I would do this myself if I thought it had merit, but Puerto Ricans, as a minoroty don't seem to be able to get along long enough to agree on what to have for dinner much less agree on a political agenda. Frankly, often times I am embarrassed to watch most latinos riding the coat tails of the black (African American) movement.

The truth of the matter is that the amount of african slaves to the white man is paltry when compared to all the other slavery statistics through out history including their own (Africans as slaves to other Africans, Egypt, Ethiopia, Phonecia et alia). This is true whether you consider the empires of Afria geographically OR as a matter of color of skin. People buying into this load of crap are just looking for something to buy, and I admire African Americans for pulling off such a sales scam. I do not blame them a bit, it's being handed and taught to them. They are making it part of thier modern culture, and re writing history to validate it. What did you expect?

Maybe I should rewrite history for my people too?

Its the public who lend the credence to the whole preposterous issue by handing them this excuse as a viable free ride through society. It is my opinion, that this is weakening mankind as a whole.

Right here, and right now, I experience OVERT rascism every single day from African Americans who mistake me for a (the) white man. I'm being judged for my apparent appearance, all the while having to endure hearing about the unjust-ness of judging by appearance.

I am a pretty outspoken, unafraid person, so I say all the time "how hypocritical it is for someone who knows what rascism is, to be condemning it, while concurrently practicing it".

Then I might mention that I am Spanish/Latin, (or Latino as some of you insist) and all of a sudden "I'm ok with them?" That alone makes me rascist against anyone who practices that double standard bullshit. If I were a white man, I believe I'd start to become rascist just behind that. I do not blame white people who aren't buying into this shit, and who decide they need to be White, and proud.

Slavery was a sad but very real part of history, It isnt anymore, and that should be enough.
I'm sick to death of having to endure rascism from African Americans for something I had absolutely no hand in, not to mention the fact that neither did my ancestors. The people who are hanging on to it the most, are poeple who have something to gain from it. For example, my race of people (ancestors), the Taino Indian's, were completely wiped out by the Spanish (my other ancestors) and subsequent settlers. Our men murdered, entire culture erased, all lands taken, all riches plundered, country renamed. Do I get MY "fourty acres and a mule" eventually? Give me a mf break.

If this is a free country now (and I sure hope we dont forget about those issues) Then I am a product of my own efforts, no matter what anyone thinks of me. If I'm too lazy to go out and make something of myself, then I should thank no one but myself. If a black man can afford a bus ticket out of the ghetto, and does so, only to make something of himself, then all I have is admiration for him. The same man who wont spend the money on the bus ticket, but finds it more useful to use it to fund his crack business or any other illegal thing gets no sympathy from me. We all have a cable tow to bear. Make something of yourself and stop waiting around for a handout.Do you hear Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Peruvians, Egyptians, and others crying the race card and demanding the countries, and land back? Get fckin over it already. There are a hundred thousand Mexicans out there willing to work and make something of themselves, and only because some white idiots are helping them to make excuses for themselves do you see all this ridiculous protesting and stuff. An ILLEGAL ALIEN IS ILLEGAL. SEND THEM BACK. If they want to enter the country legally, then they have the chance. Otherwise they should be treated like anyother criminal PERIOD.The white people who have bought into the guilt trip and are out in front waving that banner are the most pathetic creatures on the face of this planet besides P.E.T.A.

WHY IS IT OK for only a MINORITY like me to say all this? If I were WHITE, would I be rascist?

Are we trying to make it an "Equal opportunity world"? or are we trying to "Make up for something by giving all of the advantages to any one people"? and IF SO, When is it OUR (Puerto Rican?Taino) turn? Do we get handed the silver spoon next?


Making the presidential elections a racial issue is a crime which will be perpetrated by the true hypocrits of out time. "Closet rascist's" bent on an agenda and willing to use any means for getting that agenda achieved, even if its a lie only to promote themselves. They truly could care less about anyone including those of their own race, much less other "monorities".

And so I say, what no one else has the balls to say once again.

Juan Iota

1 comment:

Juan Fauchn Iota said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence Joelle. I wondered if anyone would understand where I am coming from with this.

I think all of this came from my feeling of awakening; "being a member of ONE world of people everywhere around me are P.C. guilt-trip eggshell walking "seething passive aggresives" and "Living" in another very real world of realizing how we are being trained through "thought reform".

Sometime I wish it would have worked on me, but it doesn't.