Saturday, January 12, 2008

Im founding "The 5%-ers Club"

""Hmmm the 5%-ers Club". (Based on the premise some people have that "only 5% of the people" believe our government is capable of selling out, exploiting, ripping off, harming, killing, lying to and otherwise misleading it's public.)

Based on the debate of this very issue we are currently having in the Amazon "Political discussion threads" I'm an active member of, I spoke with a number of people today.
This reportedly small group of society is huge and growing every single day.
I asked each one the same question:"What are your feelings about 9-11?, What do you believe caused this. How does it relate to the current political and social climate in this country, and do you believe our Government is being honest with us?"
NOT ONE PERSON., NOT ONE expressed trust in these leaders or this current process. I didnt have to make any connections for them. I didnt have to bait or ask leading questions, almost every single one of them said that they believe something is wrong & being kept from them with regard to all of the events in the past 15 years and given the varying references, virtually every suspicious event was mentioned without fail. Specifically, feedback included the statement that; "Our government either had prior knowledge of, or a hand in"............. what happened in Manhattan.
Maybe someone forgot to tell the "truther bashers & skeptics"
The "95%-ers (truther bashers, skeptics, whatever) will say we hate our country. They will accuse us of "Hating the government" and this wonderful country.I say; this is the greatest country in the world. I love it with all of my heart. I renounce my anscestors countries. I am AMERICAN FIRST.
I am FULLY aware and believe with all my heart that the average person who works for, or has worked for this government in one way or another, such as myself are for the most part, the very salt of the earth. WOnderfully hardworking honest people with integrity who want to make a difference and want to serve mankind.
The problem is, that in every great country just like on a ship, there are RATS, and the RATS have taken over this ship. These Judas's have all but signed over ownership of this great republic and our future Gross National Product to some other unknown RATS in exchange for their (daily bread) reward, whatever it might be. They've plainly become corrupted and simply sold out the rest to p[reserve themselves and their posterity.
Some people refuse to believe this. I've seen it! dont want to believe it. They think they are somehow patriotic by doing what they are doing. They use words to make them and others feel like it is they who are the Majority. They shut their eyes tightly against the tide of obvious signs of sickness this country is exhibiting, instead they pick at the quirky extreme stories and cite those as proof that ALL of it is a lie, when they KNOW deep down inside they are wrong but they are praying and clinging to the premise that somehow they might be right.The way I see it, they can call me a kook all day long, as they join the cashless "1984" type society that has been long in the making; docile, entranced unfulfilled just siting around shaking their fists at or ignoring anyone who wants to try give them exactly what they ask for which is "proof, give them proof".... Screw em. Let them sleep.
"fascism is defined as - A system of government that exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership, together with belligerent nationalism.
"The American Heritage Dictionary, 1983
Remind you of anything?
"To criticize one's country is to do it a service .... Criticism, in short, is more than a right; it is an act of patriotism - a higher form of patriotism, I believe, than the familiar rituals and national adulation."U.S. Senator J. William Fulbright
"Media manipulation in the U.S. today is more efficient than it was in Nazi Germany, because here we have the pretense that we are getting all the information we want. That misconception prevents people from even looking for the truth."


Sir Alan Platt said...

Hi Scott,
More like 75% are skeptics of those truth commissioners that call itself "The Free Press",what a joke.
To all you Americans out there,even a n Englishman with NO idea that anything was wrong with the published 911 news managed to smell a rat when presented with only a fraction of the real evidence from some very brave and freedom loving Citizens on the WTC7 911 site.
Keep the good fight good folks from all of us freedom loving Citizens from around the world.

Juan Fauchn Iota said...

Thanks Alan!

I appreciate that. I dig the British, which reminds me of a story:

Sir Alan Platt said...

I am going to come over to America and start my own political party,stuff the other two corrupt organizations of sleazebags!
If I get to be President Platt (got a good ring to it) I shall scrap the nsa,cia fbi and the secret service and shut all the military bases around the world.The money will pay off the national debt and be spent on law abiding citizens.