Thursday, January 10, 2008


Im telling you guys: We are right in the middle of the swindle. Ron Pauls great performances in the debates have been all but ignored. Even some adversaries (people I know who are voting for other candidates) have said he did really well !! STILL, Television and print media are ignoring him.

Who is surfacing as the media darling? Obama. I dont dislike Obama as a person, I just dont trust his politics, and dont trust his loyalties plain and simple. In my opinion as a minority, theres no way Ill vote for someone who has already sworn alleigence to "his race of people" above the well being of his country. Either your an American for America or not. Im not even going to address the stupid a_s race issue here. I could care less. They are going to tuck away any candidate who isnt part of their NWO club. They are ignoring the will of the people, and will slide in someone who will pick up where GWBush leaves off. They are not going to just turn the country back over to us. I believe the NWO knows it wont be able to get a republican into the whitehouse, so they will stack the deck with a few lame horses, and aim to get either Obama or Hillary elected.

THOSE OF US WHO KNOW HOW CRITICAL THIS ELECTION IS will have to keep the name Ron Paul on our lips.

We will have to keep at it. We have a fight ahead of us.

Youll see.

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